Why They Are Important

The ocean is so cool, but it is also very important too. “The ocean produces over half of the world's oxygen and absorbs 50 times more carbon dioxide than the atmosphere!” The ocean also contains ingredients that are turned into medicine and help fight cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease and more. So you might not realize it, but oceans can help save your life! The ocean also transports heat from the equator to the poles which helps regulate the earth's climate according to (oceanservice.noaa.gov). The oceans are so important, and if we did not have them there would be no water left!

The oceans might be important but so are the species that live in it! Green sea turtles that graze on the seagrass helps keep the sea beds healthy and healthy seagrass means a healthy life. Also “The nutrients left behind by eggs and hatchlings that don’t survive provide an important source for coastal vegetation.” Not only do the eggs provide good vegetation but they also provide a good source of food for animals such as birds, fish, and racoons, according to sea turtles.org. Green sea turtles are so cool and important to the environment!