How Can You Help

There are many amazing things about Green sea turtles and oceans, but our oceans are in trouble! According to if we don’t start now, by 2050 there WILL be more plastic in the oceans than fish! I know you might think there is no way a single person like you could make a difference, and guess what, you're right! It would take years and years if you cleaned the ocean by yourself, but you can inspire people to help, because right now the oceans need help more than ever, sea turtles are dying because of the insane amount of trash in the ocean, they are getting caught in garbage and eating plastic bags! But we can help by recycling. Every time you drink a soda or go to the store, you can simply ask for Polypropylene bags, or PP bags, which are the bags you see at grocery stores near the checkout aisle. They're durable reusable plastic bags that are designed for multiple uses. They can be made from both non-woven and woven polypropylene and come in a variety of colors and sizes. You can also get recyclable bottles at the store instead of the bottles you need to throw out because those bottles go into the ocean! You can also go to a nearby beach and pick up trash to try to clean it up! I hope you try some of these ideas and help the oceans! You can also help by donating to to help clean the oceans and help the turtles stay healthy!