Impact of Non-Profit Organizations on society 


To me "civic engagement" means the active participation of people in their communities and society. I also believe it to mean participating in the bettering of the society around you whether that is community service, volunteering, or even voting on a political issue. Civic engagement is about recognizing the responsibility that you and those around you have in making the world a better place through the actions we take. Both in small and large ways society benefits when people are civically engaged. Some small ways society benefits from people being civically engaged is that when people come together to tackle a certain issue it leads to more unity and support between people. It also leads to a sense of belonging and connection between people. Then on a bigger scale, civic engagement in my opinion leads to a better democracy. My reason for saying this is because when citizens are more engaged politically, once again whether through voting, interactions with elected officials, etc. It makes sure that the government works for the people and the bettering of the people instead of the other way around, leading to the needs of our communities being met and not ignored. 

The reason I chose to do this topic is because I prayed about what I should do, honestly not feeling drawn to doing anything but then I was met with this opportunity to help kids go to college by working with this non-profit organization that volunteers at concession stands at the PNC-Arena then takes the money they make and puts it towards funding high school kids to go to college. When I was presented with this opportunity thanks to my teacher Ms. Smith I finally felt drawn to something because college is something that is seen as what determines success for kids when they get older. And many don't get this opportunity because they come from backgrounds that can't provide that opportunity. So this was a great chance to help those kids get that opportunity and that is something I will forever be interested in. By volunteering for this I hope to at least make sure one kid who never thought they would get the opportunity to go to college, go to college. And I know this will find the right person thanks to God, for God's word says "All good comes from above". Amen.