What You Can Do

What you can do

Even though there are many threats to mountain gorillas and the Congo Basin there are still lots of ways you can help. First you can donate to an organization called WWF www.worldwildlife.org. They can help mountain gorillas thrive and are working to stop deforestation in the Congo Basin. You can donate to many organizations but there are things that you can do at home to help the gorillas and the Congo Basin. According to rainforestfoundation.org buying responsibly sourced products and eliminating deforestation from your diet can protect the Congo Basin and therefore the mountain gorillas. It may not be well known, but many of the foods we eat are grown on deforested lands. That means when we don’t eat food that came from deforested places we make the owners of those places not cut down trees. We can also help mountain gorillas and the Congo Basin by getting responsibly sourced products. Choosing products that are responsibly sourced or made from recycled materials can go a long way to curbing tropical deforestation. (https://rainforestfoundation.org/). There are many more things you can do to help this species and help the forest it lives in.