Pure Contour

Hand Holding a Rubber band

9" x 12

Graphite Pencil on Drawing Paper

Frontal View of a Shoe

9" x 12

Graphite Pencil on Drawing Paper

Profile View of a Shoe

9" x 12

Graphite Pencil on Drawing Paper

Aerial View of a Shoe

9" x 12

Graphite Pencil on Drawing Paper

Throughout the course of these drawings the hardest part would have to be proportions and accuracy to the shoe you are drawing. The process of making these shoes started with shapes that are obvious then from there it's using your eyes and attention to detail to make the drawings look accurate.

What I used for these projects was drawing paper and graphite pencils making sure to darken the lines so that people can see it both from a distance and up close.

What did I struggle with the most? I struggled with proportions on these pieces because after you got the layout you had to make sure it fit the shoe/hand you were drawing.