Multiple Pinch Project 

The process of making these consisted of 6 pinch pots. Each circular shape you see is two pinch pots put together, This process was somewhat tedious because it took many tries. Most of this project I was unsure of what to do, I didnt know what shape to make, or what color I was going to use. After I assembled this I thought it was to basic to leave plain. So I added the circles first, then I thought it still looked to boring so I added the lines, then the bottom looked out of place so I took a toll and just scraped the bottom up a little so it fit into the rest of the art. 

Something that I would go back and change about this peace is that fact that it is all one color, I feel as if this would have looked much better if it was more then one color. But, overall I am happy with my final product I feel as it it is unique and it shows how much effort I put into it.