Foundations of Art

Some Strengths shown in my works include my strength in hands-on projects such as sculptures and I would also say creative thinking. Some weaknesses shown in my works include my ability to draw, paint, and shade.

Some Improvements I have made would probably be getting my work done and turned in on time I remember struggling with that quite a bit at the beginning of the year. Another improvement I have made is probably my drawing technique because at the beginning of the year I had no idea there was an easier way to draw realistically but, during the realistic self-portrait project, I learned you can section pieces of the picture or the drawing off to make it easier on you and so you can focus on getting all the little details in that one spot at a time.

I would have to say for me personally the duck stamp was the most challenging project because like I said I'm not the best at realistic drawing but for this project, it was a "scientific illustration" which meant I had to make it extremely accurate but at the same time it wasn't copying, I had to make up my own duck and scene or background which meant it was a lot harder and I couldn't use the sectioning technique that I was taught during the realistic self-portrait project.

I have to say the project I'm most proud of has to be the mixed media project because in my mind it was the first alright piece I had made all year and I felt like I utilized the sectioning technique quite well considering my skill level. Also, I feel like I did a fairly good job Incorporating each material into the piece and I also shaded better than I had in any other project before that.

I don't have very many art goals or plans for the future because I'm going, to be honest, I'm not much of an art guy I mean unless you count building as art then I have plans to kind of just fiddle around and tinker or make things in my free time but I do know that I will definitely not be pursuing a career in art.