Time Capsules

Corner of Room

The story of the corner of my room artwork was to draw the corner of my room. I chose to draw the corner of my room because that was what I was looking at. I felt that drawing my room would give it a more personal touch than drawing the school hallway or something else.

To make this drawing I had a piece of drawing paper and I also used a pencil. I used the pencil to shade and add minimal shadows, although there were some spots I could’ve added shadows but didn’t.

Drawing the corner of my room wasn't too problematic. Although I did experiment on which corner of my room to draw. I didn’t know whether to draw in color or leave it in pencil, I liked the way it looked so I let it be. I attempted to make the rug look like it had texture. My art evolved when I added shadowing into my cubby’s of my stand, not having shadows made it look unrealistic. My next steps could be maybe adding some color, like the walls and rug.

Hand Sanitizer

The story of my hand sanitizer drawing originated from having to draw something still life. I had trouble finding something to draw until I saw my hand sanitizer on my desk.

To make this I used a piece of drawing paper and a few different pencils. I used old art pencils I had to create shadows and draw the bottle. For this drawing I only used a pencil, no color, or outline in sharpie.

I experimented on which hand sanitizer to draw because I had a few different types of bottles in different shapes. I chose this one because it was the one I had the most trouble drawing and I wanted to push myself. I chose not to add color but maybe color could be my next step. My art evolved when I incorporated shadows. It looked odd without it.

Self Portrait

The story of my self portrait was to draw what I looked like in the mirror.

I used a pencil from the art room along with a piece of paper too.

Drawing my face was hard, but I experimented with techniques I learned from art class in middle school. my art evolved when I added more, such as better less blocky eyebrows. my next steps could be spending more time on my artwork to make it better.