Concentration Sculpture #1


The subject of my creation is the Arena located in Piazza Bra in Verona. Verona is an Italian city located in Veneto, one of the Northernmost region of Italy. The Verona Arena is a Roman amphitheater , built in the first century. It is still in use today and is internationally famous for the large-scale opera because of the performances that are given in there. This arena is one of the best preserved ancient structures of its kind. In ancient times, the housing capacity of the Arena was of nearly 30,000 spectators that went to this amphitheaters from all over the places to participate in the Ludi, public games held for the benefit and entertainment of the Roman people. To create the artwork I took a black cardboard base and I first of all drew what I wanted to create in order to have a design to follow. Once I was done drawing I started to glue pasta on the figure in order to create the figure. I after colored the background with the Italian flag colors and I made a mini gladiator out of Sculpey and I glued it to the Arena to give to my piece a little bit more of dimension. To make my artwork more three-dimensional I also added a border of pasta bow ties. I decided to make the Verona Arena because the concentration I chose is travel and world discovery, with all the cultures and traditions.

To make my piece I simply glued the pasta on the cardboard and I painted the background; I also had to create the gladiator by modelling with Sculpey. I decided to use pasta as the main material for my artwork because it is an aliment typically connected to Italy, where the subject of my piece is located. At first I wasn't planning on coloring the background and adding the pasta frame on the border, however while I was creating the piece I realized that the artwork needed a little bit more dimension.

The artwork represent the Verona Arena, which is one of the biggest symbols of the Roman's presence in Verona. It represents part of the history and one of the biggest attraction for which Italy is known for. Verona is also a city not to far from where I live and it really fascinates me; it is also called "The Town of Lovers" because it is the city were Romeo and Juliet's story took place. Verona was the first "big city" I have travelled to all by myself and it somehow represents for me the beginning of my journey into the world. If I had to improve something in the piece I would probably try to be less messy with the hot glue on the crdboard base and I would try to hide it a little bit better on the whole figure.