Sculpture #2

Artist statement:

The subject of my creation is my grandmother, my dad's mother. She is 82 years old and she lives in a small town next to the coast in Italy. To create my artwork I used nails and thread. To start I graphed the cardboard and traced the figure on it with with a pencil; to continue I put the nails in and after that I twisted the thread all around them; to finish the artwork I created the frame with newspaper pieces. I decided to represent my grandmother in my artwork because she is a really important figure in my life and even if I don't get a chance to see her very often, she still manages to inspire me with everything she does and everything she teaches me. I decided to represent her with thread because she used to be a seamstress therefore thread is a material that somehow represents her. The newspaper in the frame, instead, represents all what she has been through in her life and all she had to face.

To create my artwork I used the thread and nail technique to create the face and I then framed it with newspaper. The nail and thread technique is shown overall in the whole piece and in order to create it, I twisted the thread all around the nails, creating both the figure and the background. In the process of making my artwork I realized that around the painting there was a lot of empty space so I decided to add the newspaper frame in order to make it look more complete.

I am overall proud of my artwork because it represents exactly what I want to express; I think it also expresses my grandmother's strength and how important she is for me and for everybody around her. If I could change something about my piece I would probably try to add more details to the face so that the figure would be maybe a little bit clearer.