
Artist's Statement:

My artwork represents a magnifying glass. To create it, I first of all created a wire structure and I then covered it with wet paper and glue; I created the final product simply by letting the artwork dry. I decided to created this image because the last few months for me have been rich of changes and of course discoveries, also about myself and my personality. As an exchange students, I feel like I have become much more mature and I realized how everything I have at home: my family and my friend really matter to me.

To create my piece I used wet paper and glue, which is a technique that I had used before at home; at which though I don't feel entirely confident or experienced. Therefore this was an artwork in which I experimented new methods and techniques.

I am generally proud of my result but if I had the chance to change something in it, I would for sure color it, in order to make the concept of my image a little bit clearer and complex.