Spooky Sea Creature Meme

For this assignment, we sketched, researched, and took notes about ten "spooky" sea creatures. We had to choose one of the ten creatures and make a spooky meme related to it, I chose the vampire squid as my creature, and decided to make it look a little less scary.

For this assignment we had to answer 7 questions total about 10 different spooky marine species. Those 7 questions being...

  1. their scientific name

  2. description (in our own words)

  3. what habitat/environment do they prefer

  4. what is their geographical distribution

  5. what is their lifestyle (food, shelter, mating habits etc.)

  6. what are their unusual characteristics/ what makes them spooky

  7. a link to a youtube video about each animal

*We were then asked to create the meme and post it to the google classroom assignment. Our meme can be seen below.*

Here is a video of the vampire squid, and how it is being impacted by human activity.

And here are my completed research questions that include detailed sketches of each creature, as well as my completed meme of my "spooky" vampire squid.


I think that something I could work on for future projects is time management, and one thing that I think I did well on was my art. I liked this project because I learned a lot about different sea creatures and how they are unique. I hope to do a project like this soon.