Design Step 2

Sauce Inspiration- Market Research/D&W List

Presentation - Market research report, D&W list draft

This was our Demand and Wishlist market report and our main goal is to increase customer satisfaction with music software and tutorials on how to do it.

Classification scheme First Take

Classification Scheme - first take

We assembled the previously identified functions/subfunctions and the alternative concepts/designs in a Classification Scheme on paper and digitally. I learned how to concept scheme throughout this process and how you can put multiple concepts into one to make the best product of them all.

Product's Functional decomposition Coggle

In this assignment we functionally decomposed our product in all aspects of it's categories. We represent the functional decomposition by creating a functional decomposition flow chart/ mind map on a brainstorming application.

Alternative concepts Brainstorm

Our task in this assignment was to create a padlet and brainstorm feasible alternative concepts for the design's functions

We included our 5 design sketches and came up with multiple alternative concepts.


So far I have learned many many new things in such a large area of music. Im very new to this whole hobby and my group member have been into it for a while now. This helps a lot because I have peers and mentors all around me who I can learn from and ask question of things I want to learn about in music software. Overall my groups time management has been amazing and we can definitely amp up our communication skills to come up with our best version of Sauce Inspirations