Hypokinetic Disease Project


In P.E. class we learned about hypo kinetic diseases and how they related to exercising. In groups of four we researched a specific disease or condition that was classified as hypo kinetic. We then created a poster detailing the definition and symptoms of that disease as well as other information. For our project, my group chose to do type 2 diabetes. We researched how it was caused as well as what can help prevent it or make it better then made a poster in class detailing all of this information.


Hypo kinetic disease: A disease brought on, at least in part, by insufficient movement and exercise. Some examples of hypo kinetic disease are obesity, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes: A long-term metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance and relative lack of insulin. Symptoms of type 2 diabetes are increased thirst, frequent urination, increased hunger, weight loss, fatigue, etc.

Diabetes' impact on life: It can increase the risk of heart and other organ disease and failure as well as make it necessary to watch your food intake and exercise which can change how you might have lived your life.

Health component: Diabetes impacts people's cardiovascular fitness. Fortunately, aerobic exercise like swimming and dancing can decrease the risk of getting type 2 diabetes.


Working on this project has helped me improve my cultural competence and communication. Researching type 2 diabetes has made me more aware of how people in my community live and the struggles in other peoples' lives. This project helped develop my communication skills as I needed to speak with my team members to decide on supplies and delegate tasks. Two skills this project didn't work on were critical thinking and creativity. The project was more focused around research and understanding that information so I did not develop my problem solving skills or do much in a more artistic aspect.