Solve a World Problem

Solve a World Problem is a project meant to teach the students about the engineering design cycle. We chose a world problem and did research on solutions. The problem my team selected is water pollution. We researched the causes and some solutions, and came up with a solution to get rid of the trash from the source. The solution we chose are nets that are put in rivers and scoop up the trash. 


At first, our team's problem was land pollution, so we came up with land solutions. We decided on water pollution because all of the trash comes from land. Rivers are the stems to the ocean, so if we got the trash from the source, it could prevent more trash floating into the ocean. 

Engineering design cycle:

We researched the problem for a couple days, and the one common cause all of the articles said was littering. We then came up with the solution to make portable trash cans that can collapse. The purpose of those was to use that trash can until the person found a bigger one. Then we decided on the net because we did all of our research on water pollution.

After, our team drew prototypes and decided on the best one, then got to work. The net has a long wooden stick with a metal net to scoop up all of the trash. The net doesn't go all the way to the bottom of the river because the fish need a place to get by.

Overall, this project was good for the class because it taught us how to actually use the engineering design cycle. 2 things I did well was empathy and work ethic. 2 things I need to work on are time management and staying on task.