Step 4

Throughout the past few weeks, we have worked on finalizing our capstone product design. We have run a few series of tests to figure out how well our product is charging computers. Over the 2 weeks of running tests we discovered that over 15 minute periods our solar charger can charge a computer 3-4 percent when the computer isn't being used. When the computer is being used the charger was able to maintain the computer battery over our 15 minute tests. We were happy with our results  so now we will spend the last two weeks touching up the looks of our product and trying to make it look more professional. We are going to 3-d print some pieces to cover up some spots that are covered with glue. 

Down below I will add some of the assignments that we completed over the past few weeks -  

Capstone Technical Poster.pptx
Copy of Ryan Raleigh - Life Cycle Assessment - Report and Infographic
Copy of Ryan Raleigh - Stem Coordinator additional funding presentation (functioning initial prototypes)
Copy of Detailed Test Plan

Reflection - 

Over the past few weeks, we as a group have shown a good work ethic.  We have done lots of work and stayed on track with all of the deadlines. We are almost completely ready for the STEM presentation night. We have been using our class time well for the most part. Another thing we have done well is communication. When someone in the group is absent we text each other and fill each other in on the work they missed. One thing that I could have done better is being more of a leader for the group.  When my group mates have gotten off task at times I should have motivated them to do work and helped them out.