Cartilaginous Fish Poster 

We spent last week in class learning about all the types of cartilaginous fish such as sharks, rays, and skates. In my opinion these were the most interesting creatures that we have learned about. The open ocean predators are very cool to learn about. For my research poster I chose to do the mako shark. I heard that it was a fascinating creature and I wanted to know why. After researching I know that it's a fierce predator that can swim almost 50 mph!

Down below I will add a picture of my poster. The internal anatomy is highlighted with the brighter colors. 

Reflection - During this project I demonstrated a good work ethic. I spent a good amount of time doing initial research and then followed up with making the poster. I made a good detailed drawing that shows the internal and external anatomy of the mako shark. Something I could have been better with is time management. I turned in this assignment a few days past the due date. I should have better used my time after school last week and not procrastinated.