Evaluation of Alternative Concepts

For this assignment we were tasked with evaluating concepts for our water filter and choosing the top three that we would like to pursue. We had to make a matrix and create a scale that would help us choose our top three products.

Design Criteria:

  1. Removes chemical impurities

  1. Removes Physical Impurities

  1. Long lasting materials (won't wear down over multiple uses)

  1. Easily transportable

5) Affordable materials

6) Energy efficient

7) More complex than existing filtration devices

Discussion: As a group we decided that reverse osmosis, charcoal filter and UV filtration designs would be the top 3 ideas to focus on. To properly rate the weight of each evaluation criteria, we went through our previous blueprints and ranked each criteria from virtually most to least important which allowed us to get the weight of each. We also weighed in our mentor and survey feedback to help pin a perfect weight for each criterion. We followed a similar structure to properly place values under each design scheme. Survey feedback was used more to place values under each ensign due to us wanting the customer to be happy with our product as they will be our income after all.

Winners: Due to our product design, we have two design scheme winners. Following the decision matrix, mentor/customer feedback and personal opinion, we have decided to go all in on the reverse osmosis and charcoal filtration dual water filter. We decided on those two designs because we believe it gives us the most diversity in the filtration market and we believe we can design a product that can satisfy the most customers.

In conclusion we found are three concepts that we are going to pursue and are closer to creating a working prototype.