Frog Lab

1. What did you do?

In this lab we investigated the systems and functions of a frog's body through dissection. We first dissected the frogs exterior features and the mouth then moved onto the interior systems and primarily the legs/ diaphragm area.

2. What systems did you investigate?

The systems we investigated were the Skeletal System, Muscular System, Circulatory System, Respiratory System, Digestive System, Reproductive System, and the Nervous System. We also investigated the External anatomy and the frog's mouth even though they aren't technically a system.

3. What is the Phylum and Class the frog belongs to?

Frog's belong to the Chordate Phylum and they belong to the amphibian class.

4. What are the characteristics of the Phylum?

Chordates have a dorsal, hallow nerve cord, a notch chord, a pharynx, and a tail even if its small.

5. What are the characteristics of the Class?

Amphibians are amphibians because of their ability to live on both land and water. Some characteristics of an amphibian are having non-shelled eggs, they're cold blooded, they can breath through their skin (which is their main source of breathing), they are carnivores, and specifically to frogs, they have an intense ,mating ritual.

6. Write about 3 things you learned about how the frog body systems compare to humans.

One of the human's body system's that is different than a frog's is the heart. A frog's heart is three chambered while a human's heart is four chambered. Another system that is different between us and frog's is our fibula and tibia. While a human has two bone to support our leg, a frog has one fused bone to combined the fibula and tibia together because the frog does not need the extra support.

7. Write about your most favorite and least favorite thing about the dissection.

My favorite thing about the dissection was the beginning where we hadn't cut anything open yet and we were just inspecting the mouth and skin. My least favorite part of the dissection was the digestive system and learning how that worked.

8. What else do you want to know or are still curious about?

I am still curious about if they're are any body system differences between poison-is frogs and regular ones.

9. Write a reflection using two of the 6 C's. What C did you address during your dissection? What C should you work on?

I think the my partner and I had very good collaboration because I couldn't do the dissection so we agreed that I would do the questions while my partner did the dissection. This worked very well after the first day so we continued on this path throughout the project and had great success. Me and my partner could work on was our communication. We had to discuss what we had planned more often instead of actually preparing and disecting our frog. Some of the time we had to go back and check our work to see if we did it right because of communication errors.