Fire Away!

My Task:

My task for this project was to design a functional trebuchet that launches multiple projectiles as far as possible and to record that data. We also had to pick 5 modifications to do for our trebuchet and explain if it improved our design or made it worse. I was also in a group with 2 other classmates to do the analysis poster which was an assignment where we were assigned a variable and we were to test that variable on our trebuchet.

Proof of Efficacy Document:

Akio Suzuki - Proof of Efficacy Document for Trebuchet


  • Mass of Projectiles: 0.0002kg (bb) 0.5kg (tiny metal marble)

  • Horizontal Distance: 1.46m

  • Total Air Time: 0.13s

  • Time fall (tfall): 0.065s (half value of total air time)

  • Vertical Distance: 0.02m (dv=1/2Ag tfall^2)

  • Horizontal Velocity: 11.23m/s (dh/t)

  • Vertical Velocity: 0.637m/s (Ag tfall)

  • Total Velocity: 11.24m/s (a^2+b^2=c^2)

  • Angle of release: 3.25 degrees

  • PEg: 0.080J (mgh)

  • KE: 0.01 J (1/2mv^2)

What I did well:

I believe that I was pretty good at creativity and innovation. I felt like that my final product turned out cool and open for a lot of modification to experiment with. I learned that I can be really creative if I put the right amount of effort and dedication into it. I also learned that it's ok to ask for help and that you shouldn't feel bad about it because to evolve mentally, it's impossible (well, I shouldn't say "impossible" but just extremely difficult too) to do it by yourself. There was a lot of improvements that I could've done to my trebuchet but overall, I'm proud with the results.

What I should improve on:

There was a couple tiny things that I can improve on my trebuchet like measurements, having a sturdier product, etc. but the main part was the collaboration and communication part. I had 2 other classmates in my breakout room when we were doing our own individual trebuchet and I didn't ask once for advice for my trebuchet but instead we all had our camera off and muted. I felt like this project was more independent than a "group" project and we just had problems expressing ideas to each other, instead we just isolated ourselves in our workspaces. I could improve on my communication by starting conversations more and asking if anyone needs help and just check up on them in general.