Life in America

Actual scissors he used at the shop!

The Tailor SHop

Lewis used his history as a tailor in Ukraine to become an entrepreneur and start a tailor shop in Somerville which he ran for 30+ years. My grandfather recalls, "He liked that tailor shop a lot. That was his ticket to American business -- deregulated capitalism. He made a good profit and no government took it away this time."

The Oldsmobile

Lewis' favorite car and the only type of car he ever drove were Oldsmobiles. Between 1897 and 2004 Oldsmobiles were General Motors' mid-tear division of automobiles. In performance and quality, Oldsmobiles ranked between the low-end (Chevrolet and Pontiac) and high-end (Buick and Cadillac) cars. According to Lewis, the middle road is the best path to take.


His favorite game of all time was "Pinochle." He played in Russia, on the boat, and in the U.S. his whole life. Pinochle (also called and pronounced punuckle) is a ticky card game played with 2-4 people and a 48 card deck. My grandfather said, "When my grandpa was on his death bed, he wanted to be playing a game of Pinochle."