Life in Boston

Sheyna and her family had arrived in the United States wanting a new life. They began trying American foods, activities, and even attending American High Schools. A fun story Sheyna loves to share was when two months after arriving in the US, Mark (my father and Sheyna's son) broke his foot while trying out roller skating which was really popular across the US in the late 70s. Mark always had a sense of adventure and also really wanted to become an American teenager, so he went out roller skating with a local youth group one night. Unfortunately, he wasn’t quite ready for it. Still, he got some attention as he made the news in a local newspaper. The whole family is pictured with Mark with his leg up, Sheyna located next to him. Garri was standing behind and Iosel behind the two nurses. Iosel and Gari had a friend in the Boston area that helped them to find jobs and rent an apartment in Brookline Massachusetts. They spent many years in the Brookline area getting jobs, attending school, and raising their family.

Garri was an electrical engineer and Iosel was a leather maker. Mark started Hhigh school in Brookline and Sheyna found a job at a pharmaceutical biomedical company in Cambridge. Sheyna worked to make sure all the manufactured drugs met the proper standards. Iosel was a leather maker in China Town/ South end. Sheyna worked at the manufacturing company for almost 20 years and then when the company closed she works at Filene's in Downtown Crossing as a Sales Representative. Sheyna retired in the mid-2000s and now currently lives in an apartment in Brighton Massachusetts.

Where Sheyna currently lives in Brighton, MA