Sheyna Shneyder

By Talia Shneyder

Sheyna my grandmother is currently 93 years old and lives in Brighton Massachusetts. She has two sons, Mark and Garri who both live in Needham, Massachusetts and had both immigrated with her from Latvia (then part of the Soviet Union) in the summer of 1979. Antisemitism was present everywhere in the Soviet Union and my grandmother and her family wanted to escape it. After having gone through the Holocaust and World War II as a young teen it was enough for her and time to go somewhere safer. Sheyna and her family ended up in upstate New York in 1979 from where they then moved to Brookline, Massachusetts in 1982 and settled down.

Kaunas, Lithuania (Where Sheyna was born and grew up)

Latvia (Sheyna lived here for a majority of her life and had both her sons here)

Brookline, MA (Where Sheyna located when she first moved to America)