Life in England

Life in England

Seb was born and raised in England until he was 11. He lived in Hailsham, a small town in Sussex County in Southern England. It is located about two hours outside of London. Hailsham is a small, and slightly newer town compared to its surrounding towns. While he lived in Hailsham, Seb did many of the activities that most kids would do, play with friends, go to school, play with his family, etc. Seb has remarked that in England, things felt much more packed together, with houses being much closer to each other. He also remarked that things felt much more fast-paced, both in school, and out and about. Overall, Seb has many fond memories of living in England, and England will always hold a place in his heart. 

Why Did Seb Move?

Seb's family had to move from England due to his father's job. In 2017, his father's company was setting up a sub-division in the States, and he was a team leader. He was sent over to the US, specifically Needham, as a promotion. Immigrating to America was a nightmare for Seb and his family. Seb called the immigration process very “thorough”, and that you needed a very concrete reason to come to America. He also said that you had to sit in endless lines, sometimes sitting in them for four-plus hours, all for a meeting that lasted for just thirty minutes. Seb stayed in Needham for three years before moving to Waxhaw, North Carolina. This year, Seb got his green card and he plans on eventually becoming a dual citizen in both England and America.

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