Life in the US

Emmanuel College

Leslie enrolled at Emmanuel College in Boston in the mid 1970s to study art, as well as computer programming. She enrolled directly after graduating from high school in Weston. Her time at Emmanuel would shape her career trajectory for nearly the next 50 years to come, as she continued to pursue art

Glendale, CA

In 1980, after graduating from Emmanuel College, Leslie moved out to Glendale, California. She initially took night classes on computer programming at a local community college. Shortly after, she worked for the City of Glendale as a programmer, and later as a teacher on how to work with computers. She immersed herself in the culture and activities of Glendale, continuing to take night classes, and also joined groups like the local choir. She lived primarily on her own.

PAsadena, Ca

Around 2000, Leslie moved over to Pasadena, California in order to begin attending an art center. She also restarted attending a local community college to take further classes in art programs on computers. She continued to live on her own, with occasional visits by her brother Christopher. She also took a job as a art museum curator in Pasadena, after leaving her job in Glendale.

Denver, Co

In 2002, Leslie moved from Pasadena to Denver, where she resides to this day. She moved to Denver as a way to become more in touch with her surroundings, while still living in a city. "I've found Denver to be the most pleasant city I've ever lived in. I think it has something to do with the mountains surrounding the place. As silly as it may sound, I do think something about being surrounded by the Rockies keeps people's mindsets in check and grounded, on some level"


Leslie did not have children of her own, but has cared for the children of her siblings as if they were her own. She has maintained Haitian culture through her cooking, and has been instrumental in the upbringing of the younger generation of her family.