
One primary thing that Deepa focused in her interview was the importance of education. She primarily compared her education in India with the education that her children are receiving in the US today.

Deepa's Education In India

Deepa grew up going to a one room schoolhouse in Chennai, much like the one pictured to the left. The school housed up over 60 kids at a time, and was very cramped. Deepa excelled at school, and graduated by the time she was 15. She talked a lot in her interview about how she broke some of the social norms by deciding to graduate and pursue post-secondary education. She said that in her family, "girls were expected to be obedient, be proficient in household chores, and learn to be a homemaker", and although she felt loved by her parents and siblings, she "didn't quite fit the mold".

"I wanted to prove that a female child can have a career and be independent. So the majority of my growing years were spent proving that."

Her Children's Education in the US

Deepa pointed out a lot of differences in American education and the education she received in Chennai. First, she noted the differences in what is taught, saying "the English and math standards were definitely higher in India for the same grades. But I feel kids here have a wholesome education which focuses on reading different material, sports, art and music as part of the curriculum experience". Additionally, she talked about how she was happy that her daughter was not limited in her opportunities, and how "limitations are not placed on them due to gender, cast or creed".