The Post Secondary Transition Plan (PTP)

All students with disabilities, beginning at age 14, are required to have a Post-Secondary Transition Plan (PTP) as part of their IEP. The Transition Plan is updated and revised annually. This document includes: measurable post-secondary goals, age appropriate transition assessments, transition services, and courses of study. These items should reasonably enable the student to meet those post-secondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student's transition services needs.

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI)

Transition Planning For Students with Disabilities at the Wisconsin DPI.

Transition Improvement Grant

Transition Improvement Grant

DPI in collaboration with the CESA Statewide Network has developed a Transition Improvement Grant (TIG) Network. The Transition Improvement Grant (TIG) provides statewide technical assistance in the area of post-secondary transition planning.



WiTransition is an app that will help you create a Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP). Visit the website or download the app on your mobile device to get started today!

Guides for using the WiTransition app:

A Parent & Student Guide to the PTP

A parents guide to the PTP.pdf

Pre-Employment Transition Services as listed in the PTP

These services are designed to help the student reach their post-secondary goals.
