Message from Organising Committee

Hello Freshmen! We are glad to have you join our YIJC Family. Are you ready for Orientation 2023? Follow us as we embark on a journey of fun-filled activities planned specially for you! At YIJC, we cultivate talents as well as embrace the challenges ahead of us. Look ahead as our journey is about to begin!

Welcome Speech

Heyo Freshmen! I am Kishore, President of the 5th Students’ Council. First off, Welcome to YIJC! The journey you have ahead of you to Crescendo is just the beginning, and I wish to use this platform to reassure you that it is going to be the best journey.

When I was at the point at which you are at now, I was thinking to myself, “I don’t think I can handle this change of environment.” But, having gone through this past year right here I can gladly share with you that there is a certain magic hidden in this campus that gave me the longing to accept YI as my home away from home.

Well actually, it isn’t hidden... The magic is the people here, the YIJCians! The environment and the college culture here is woven by none other than those that are around you, from your seniors to your own batch. That includes yourself.

From what I have learnt,  one golden piece of advice would be for you to be as open to those around you as possible. Slowly but surely, open the floodgates and give way to the possibility of forging new friendships, starting new conversations and go through the Journey in YI together with others!

Rest assured, your seniors and teachers are more than willing to help you take this leap of faith and make you enjoy your time in YIJC. So once again, let me welcome you to Yishun Innova Junior College. Together, we will rise to every challenge, Aude Exaurare!