Please email yijc@moe.edu.sg or call 62579873 with the following information: 



Contact Number

Reason for Absence 

Dates of Absence

This information is crucial because you may be missing important briefings on the Subject Combination registration process. Letting us know about your absence will allow our teachers to advise you about the process.

2. How do I purchase my uniform?

You will receive more information about the purchase of uniforms and the price list on the first day of orientation. You will be allocated specific slots to make the purchase between Mon 7 Feb to Wed 9 Feb. 

Payment modes accepted are : Cash and PayNow. If paying by cash, please be advised to bring exact change to facilitate payment.

3. How do I purchase my Graphic Calculator?

Please refer to the document below for more information regarding Graphic Calculator purchases!

OGM Booklet 2023 (GC purchase)_updated.docx.pdf