Servant Leadership Development

ChrySAlis 2023 (Participant)

This year, I signed up as a J2 participant in ChrySAlis 2023. Through ChrySAlis, I learnt about the various skills and attitudes a leader should have. I also made close bonds with the others in my group.   

One of the most significant takeaways from the camp was the emphasis on self-awareness. Through a series of workshops, group activities, and reflective exercises, I had the opportunity to delve deep into my own values, strengths, and areas of growth. This process of self-discovery was eye-opening, allowing me to better understand my leadership style and the impact I could have on others.

In retrospect, attending ChrySAlis was more than just a learning opportunity; it was a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It equipped me with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to lead with purpose and authenticity. It reinforced the idea that leadership is not solely about positions or titles but about making a positive impact on others and contributing to a better world.

As I move forward in my leadership journey, I carry with me the valuable lessons and experiences gained from ChrySAlis. I am grateful for the opportunity to have attended, and I am excited about the limitless possibilities that lie ahead as I continue to develop as a leader, inspire others, and effect positive change in my community and beyond.

Self-initiated beach cleaning meet-up with my friends

Our decision to organize an impromptu beach cleanup was born out of a deep concern for our environment. My friend, who lives by the East Coast Park beach, often expressed her disgruntlement over the clean beachy sand being ruined by the litter on the shoreline. As we observed the sheer amount of plastic bottles and bags littered along the shore, we felt compelled to take action. This self-initiated act was not just about cleaning up the beach; it was about reclaiming a piece of nature and restoring it to its pristine beauty.

One of the most striking aspects of the cleanup was the immediate sense of purpose it provided. Armed with gloves, bags, and a determination to make a difference, we set out to make a contribution in reducing the litter problem. The act of picking up trash, piece by piece, felt like a tangible contribution to a cleaner, healthier environment. It was a reminder that positive change begins with individual actions.

In retrospect, the self-initiated beach cleanup was a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness between humans and the nature. It underscored the importance of responsible consumption and disposal and the need for collective efforts to combat environmental degradation. It left me with a sense of optimism and a renewed commitment to continue advocating for a cleaner, healthier planet. Most importantly, it reaffirmed that positive change begins with each one of us, and together, we can leave a lasting impact on our environment.