Scholastic Development

Medicine Interest Group

I joined MIC as I wanted to deepen my understanding of the field of medicine, as it is a pathway that I may be keen on undertaking in the future. By being in the MIC, I've learnt about all the different spheres in medicine through the many opportunities they've given to me. I've attended several webinars such as the Singapore Youth Medical Forum (SYMF) webinar, VJC STEM in Community Learning Series 2022, and the Healthcare Outreach Project 2022

The group also provided a platform for intellectual discourse and critical thinking. Engaging in discussions about current medical advancements, ethical dilemmas, and healthcare disparities pushed me to think beyond the textbooks and consider the broader social and ethical aspects of medicine. These conversations not only enhanced my knowledge but also instilled in me a sense of responsibility as a future healthcare professional. 

NUS DBS Enrichment Talk 'Why are mushrooms amazing?'

In this enrichment talk, I delved deeper into the fascinating world of mushrooms. The speaker, Dr Choong Mei Fun Amy shared about her journey into the enriching research of mushrooms. She shared all there was to know about the topic, and even gave tips on how to cultivate our own mushrooms at home! It helped me to gain knowledge about an area of research I had not known much prior to the talk.

The talk left me pondering the intricate world of scientific research surrounding mushrooms. It reminded me of the tireless efforts of mycologists and scientists dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of fungi. Their work not only contributes to our understanding of the natural world but also has the potential to address critical issues, such as food security, environmental conservation, and healthcare.

In retrospect, attending this talk about mushrooms was not just an educational experience; it was a reminder of the boundless wonders of the natural world and the importance of continued exploration and research. It reignited my curiosity and appreciation for the often-overlooked organisms that surround us. I am grateful for the opportunity to have attended this enlightening lecture, and it has inspired me to delve deeper into the fascinating realm of mycology, perhaps even sparking a lifelong interest in the study of mushrooms and fungi.

LKC Anatomy Challenge 2023

I participated in Lee Kong Chian Anatomy Challenge alongside my friends this year, and studied about the head and neck anatomy. 

One of the most striking aspects of the Anatomy Challenge was the depth of knowledge it demanded. It pushed me to delve deeper into the intricate structures and functions of the human head and neck. Preparing for the competition required countless hours of studying, researching, and practising. I found myself watching several lectures and videos online, and taking down necessary notes. This rigorous preparation not only expanded my understanding of head and neck anatomy but also honed my study skills and work ethic.

Although our group did not manage to make it to the second round, I had a fun experience interacting with other students like me, from different JCs. It was also insightful as I was able to get a first-hand glimpse into what it is like to study anatomy at a university. The talks from the various speakers were also highly enriching and memorable.

In conclusion, attending the LKC Anatomy Challenge was a transformative experience that pushed me to my limits and beyond. It deepened my understanding of head and neck anatomy, improved my problem-solving skills, and introduced me to a supportive and inspiring community. It reaffirmed my commitment to lifelong learning and personal growth. As I look back on this journey, I am grateful for the opportunity and excited about the endless possibilities that lie ahead in my pursuit of anatomical knowledge.

Biology Learning Series

I attended several webinars in the Biology Learning Series. One of the most memorable ones was definitely Webinar #6, Coral evolution and symbiosis, by A/P Huang Danwei, Department of Biological Sciences, NUS.

The talk discussed the intricate links between the host coral and algal endosymbionts, and also offered knowledge on the possible trajectories of corals in the context of climate change. I found the topic very interesting, as corals are something I hadn't put much thought into before. After the webinar, I found them to be highly interesting and found myself wanting to learn more about the corals and the study surrounding them. It is especially so in the climate context of the world today, and how important corals are in their role in the environment. 

It was certainly a very thought-provoking webinar and pushed me to wonder more about other aspects of biodiversity. I also learned about what we can do as humans to help facilitate the conservation of coral reefs, and also Singapore's role in the conservation efforts.  

In retrospect, the Biology Learning Series was an inspiring avenue for me to discover the boundless realms of biology. Not only do I enforce the knowledge I have, but I have taken away many more new facts and insights.