CareerSAdvance Reflection

DAY 1!

Break Out Session 1: Psychology, Nanyang Technological University

During the breakout session, Dr. Darren Yeo told us all about psychology. He taught us about what psychologists do for their scientific approaches, such as going out to collect field data to test their hypotheses. Psychology permeates through our whole lives, and in different settings such as consumer behaviour, social media, and forensics.

He shared about research methodology and gave very helpful insights as to what it would be like to take a course in psychology at university. The pathways of psychology were also talked about.

The downsides of a research career in psychology were also mentioned, such as the copious amounts of self-directed learning, and the steep learning curves. However, on the flip side, a career in psychology proves one with the opportunity to create scientific knowledge and feeds into the curious brain. It also opens up many travel opportunities as he had shared, as university professors can collaborate with foreign professors

One needs to have logical and critical thinking skills, and basic probability and statistic skills. It is important to be curious about human behaviour and thinking,  embrace messiness and uncertainty, and most importantly, be passionate about learning.

Break Out Session 2: Healthcare, MOH holdings

During the breakout session, the three speakers, Raferty Ker, Ms Ivy Sim, and Ms Serene Tan discussed the world of healthcare with us. They shared gave insights into the job markets, and what we can do in order to join this field of work. 

Raferty Ker shared about life as an occupational therapy student, and how he was introduced to the course. Beyond pen and paper tests, his schooling experience includes many practical sessions and group projects. He touched on the clinical placements he underwent at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, and how it was a great avenue to apply what he learnt in school in real situations. Now, I gained knowledge about what schooling would be like if I chose to enter the world of healthcare, and I now know the different types of reasons why I should join. 

Ms Ivy Sim and Ms Serene Tan shared about healthcare scholarships and how exactly they work. She gave very insightful details on the differnt 13 disciplines of healthcare. They shared the benefits of applying for a healthcare scholarship with them, and how they would help and guide me through my journey into healthcare.

One needs to have a passion to give back to the community, and also be ready to tackle difficult situations. I learnt that it is essential that we are equipped with good communication skills, as there are many situations where it is vital, such as talking with a patient's family. The healthcare industry is not an easy one to pursue, but it is a holistic and very fulfilling one.

DAY 2!

Keynote Panel

Two ex-saints who are now industry professionals, Mrs Joelle Chen Simin and Ms Isabel Lee, gave very insightful advice about their working life, life being an entrepreneur, the methodology behind networking and the importance of it. They taught us about their journey of starting up and what troubles they faced. I feel that the working world is a rollercoaster of experiences- and there are risks that you have to be prepared to take. Some final takeaways I learnt was that in the working world, we need to be able to handle new things, prioritize things well, and be resilient.

Independent Exploration

From Elijah's sharing, I learnt that being a game developer is quite tiring, with long hours sitting at a desk doing game code. However, it is a very fulfilling job especially if you are very passionate about games, which I believe I am. Being a game developer also brings much community support, as you can cultivate many fans of your game who build a community together to support you.

2. Day in the life of a FOOD TECHNOLOGIST

Jia Ni shared very insightful things about being a food tech, that I had not known much of before. They tackle the research behind the whole food production chain and they are essential for healthy eating. Creativity, independence, communication skills, and precision are skills needed to become a food tech. However, one needs much physical energy as there are many hands-on activities. 

Break Out Session 3: Architecture and Interior Design, Studio Makal

During the breakout session, Ms Mak Ailing shared her experience working as an architect. I learnt that being an architect is not the easiest job and that it is a very technological job. Architects need to keep up with the client's revisions and budget, and also be up-to-date with the ever-changing technology. They need to be aware of the limitations of the building sites, such as the different authority guidelines in different countries, the type of soil, etc. The job entails very long hours, and also requires much outsourcing.

 Being an architect, you need to have a good eye for design and proportion. Creativity is also needed to innovate new ideas and solutions. I also learnt that architecture is not just about the building itself, but also involves the people involved in the building. For example, architects need to take into account the needs of lonely elderly who may feel depressed in poorly designed buildings. So, architects need to be sensitive to people's needs as well.

 Architects also need to do well in communication to communicate with the different companies involved such as civil engineers, lighting companies and more. Interior design also plays a great role in the job of an architect, as the outside of a building is as important as the interior.

 I learnt that to be an architect, one needs to be very passionate about designing and have a strong belief in your designs. One needs to enjoy their job and not lose courage easily.

Final Thoughts

Reflection Questions...

In the past two days, I learnt that one of the most important things in a job is passion and love for the job. If you are passionate and truly enjoy what you are doing, putting in your whole effort would be no challenge at all. Resilience and the strength to stay and persevere through challenges is also very essential.

I can research more about different career options, take up courses that would apply to my job of interest, and also look at internships I can participate in.

I would probably be studying in a university. Perhaps majoring in STEM?

I would probably be working in a science-related field.