Hi, here are the events that I have participated in!

Singapore Model Parliament (SMP) 2022

Being part of the 100 shortlisted attendees out of the original 300 interested participants, I was definitely honoured to be given such a prestigious chance to be part of SMP 2022. There, I got the chance to meet many professors from the LKY School of Public Policy and also many ministers, namely, Minister Ong Ye Kung, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Health, Ms. Rahayu Mahzam, Speaker of Parliament Mr. Tan Chuan-Jin, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information, Mr. Tan Kiat How, which allowed me to appreciate and understand the complex process of policy making and also get to know more about Singapore's parliament procedures. We were also given a chance to come up with a policy that counters income inequality. My team and I decided on Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on property assets in order to curb speculative buying and hoarding of properties that are not actually in use so that housing can remain affordable to all Singaporeans, especially the lower-income ones. It is a slightly modified version of CGT that has already been implemented in other countries like the USA. We then had the esteemed opportunity to debate our proposed policy with another group that was doing on the same topic, which allowed us to get feedback for our proposed idea, somewhat similar to what actually goes on in an actual parliament sitting. Although I am not extremely interested in politics, the most insightful takeaway I had throughout the 3 days was a little something from Mr. Speaker, which was that Singaporeans are getting more educated, but not necessarily more informed. Thus, as policy makers or just simply as leaders, we should always make the right choice, although it might not be popular or well-liked among our people. This seminar has not only allowed me to understand more about the political climate in Singapore but also about how to be a better leader!

SA MUN Conference 2022

In April 2022, I participated in the Saints Model United Nations (MUN) Conference. As I am extremely interested in sustainability and the environment,  SA MUN 2022 Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)'s theme on Geopolitical Strife over Hydroelectric Power interests me greatly. Through the discussions with other delegates and my research to pitch my stand as the delegate of Canada, I have gained insights into the controversial usage of hydropower dams which are said to be a source of green energy that I did not know before. Some of these include how dams create methane which is a much worse greenhouse gas as compared to carbon dioxide and severe negative consequences on wildlife like birds and birds. Furthermore it can create major political conflicts between countries as it disrupts the right of historical flow for lower riparian countries, which will then result in environmental,  economical and societal implications on the lower riparian states.

EU at Your School Campaign

On 9th May 2022, Europe Day 2022, I participated in the EU at Your School Campaign where we had the Deputy Head of Mission of the German Embassy in Singapore, Mr. Hallier, share with us about Europe's plan on climate change as well as its relation to Singapore.  He answered many of our burning questions about Europe and left me with a new perspective on Europe.

Design Thinking Workshop 

In May 2022, I attended a workshop on how designers use the Design Thinking Process & Divergent Thinking in the design of Spaces. I learned a lot about what goes into the process of creating a space, like engaging the stakeholders in a focus group discussion in order to really find out what they actually need and want in a space of theirs. I also learned an efficient way of brainstorming as a group, with the help of some sticky notes.

ChrySAlis 2022

On 1-3 June 2022, I attended a leadership camp that thought me how to engage my peers as a leader and many different ways to facilitate feedback from people under my leadership after an activity. It really taught me how to be a better leader and also the many things, like logistics and publicity, we have to consider when organising a Service Learning Project.

Varsity Voices Dialogue 2022

In June 2018, I went to attend Varsity Voices Dialogue where I got to see Mr. Ong Ye Kung! The many insightful questions raised and answered by the minister broaden my perspective on Singapore’s experience with COVID-19, post-pandemic living, as well as broader social, economic, and political issues that have arisen during the pandemic, as well as how to overcome those issues as one united nation.

Seminar by Author Balli Kaur Jaswal

On 20 July 2022, I attended a seminar conducted by local author Balli Kaur Jaswal, titled 'Dreaming and Doing' where she shared how she discovered her passion for writing and turned it into a career. It was a fantastic reminder for me that it is possible to do what I love for a living and made me want to work towards that goal. Through the Q&A segment, I was able to find out more about her occupation and acquired more knowledge about that industry.

SG75 MMO Seminar 

On 27 August 2022, I attended SG75 Many Faces, Many Races, One Singapore Seminar, where Mr. Chan Chun Sing shared about how racial harmony in Singapore is successful but not perfect and the many ways that I, the future generation of Singapore, continue the legacy of a cohesive multi-racial society through simple but purposefully initiated everyday actions.

Long-Term Plan Review Tour by URA

In August 2022, I attended the Long Term Plan Review guided tour by Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA). There, I understood the significant importance of city planning and was also introduced to many schemes that URA has in place for a more sustainable Singapore, which I had never heard of before. One of which is the Landscaping for Urban Spaces and High rises (LUSH) Programme, where one of the guidelines, the Landscape Replacement Scheme, requires developers to replace greenery lost from the site due to development, with greenery in other areas within the development. Seeing how much the information there aligned with the syllabus of Geography that I learned was truly fascinating for me!

Reach Fireside Chat: Race, Religion, and Political Processes

In December, I attended a dialogue session with the Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. K Shanmugam. During this dialogue, he shared more about the recent repeal of Section 377A and answered other questions concerning race and religion in Singapore (the reasons for the continued need of declaring one's race in the IC and also addressing  . With regard to the repeal of Section 377A, he reiterated his stand that 

NYC Conversation on Housing

I was honourably invited to attend this conversation by National Youth Council after they heard about the CGT on housing that my team and I proposed in SMP 2022. There, I was given the chance to meet Mr. Desmond Lee, the Minister for National Development, where he shared some issues regarding affordable public housing in Singapore and the many challenges that the government faces with regard to public housing. Some of these include combating the delay of constructions for BTOs due to Covid-19 restrictions and also deciding on which group, (elderly, first-time owners, singles etc.) should be prioritised with the most flat allocation in a single BTO release.  Although Mr. Lee assured us that the government has done a more or less successful job in keeping prices of BTOs in non-mature estates generally affordable, I cannot help but think that it comes at the expense of flats diminishing in size.