
Session 1: SMRT Corporation Ltd

From the sharing by Mr. Alan Lau from SMRT, I learned about the overview of SMRT and also the current and future projects that they are working on, like the TEL and JRL. I also got to know their career development prospects, with the majority of newcomers undergoing intensive on-the-job training for the first 2 years of their careers. The sharing also allowed me to understand what it takes to be in the train industry, especially with the very short 4-hour window time that a typical train has for resting, from midnight to 4 am daily. Overall, even though I have absolutely no interest in engineering, I think that a career here is definitely meaningful and fulfilling as one would get to touch almost every Singaporean's life, considering the vast number of Singaporeans who utilise public transport daily.

Session 2: Clifford Capital Pte. Ltd.

Through Mr. Ted Low's insightful sharing, I learned more about his role and job scope as the Chief Operating Officer of Clifford Capital and also about what the company does on a daily basis. My main takeaway from his sharing is that the world of banking and finance is always and will always be evolving, and thus careers related to this field are constantly changing as well. He also advised us to take up work shadowing programs or internships so as to gain a better understanding of the working world even if is not in the field that we are the most interested in.

Session 3: TBWA Singapore

After Ms. Mandy Goh's super interesting zoom session, I have learned so much more about what the work culture is like at advertising companies like TBWA and how the companies really value new ideas and contributions from all of their workers. The greatest advice she gave was to gain more work experience through internships or work shadowing programs as industries like advertising focus more on experience. She also shared that we should put ourselves out there and not be afraid to share our thoughts and ideas.