Tasek Jurong Flag Day 2023

On 23 March 2023, I volunteered to help collect donations for Tasek Jurong, a charity which aims to help socially disadvantaged and low-income households in Singapore. The donations collected contributed towards the funding of academic and non-academic programmes for children and youth, support for their families, and assistance for ex-offenders. 

Gift of Expression Programme Training Course 

I had the opportunity to learn from the two speakers at the training course, Dr. Shaireen Marchant [Deputy Dean - Faculty and Leadership Development at the National Institute of Early Childhood Development, Singapore] and Ms. Esther Koh [Co-Founder of Vocal Thoughts] on different ways to interact with younger children, as well as some helpful practices in order to get their attention and keep them engaged during activities.

Tasek Jurong Gift of Expression Programme (Term 2, 2023)

From 26 March to 28 May 2023, I volunteered for Tasek Jurong's Gift of Expression programme for children aged 7-8. The programme is centred on dramatisation, where children take on roles and act them out to explore themselves and their surroundings. The goal is for children to learn new ways to express themselves, share throughts and ideas, and get in touch with their feelings through exciting activities prepared jointly by all volunteers. 

Gift of Expression Programme Training Course 

I had the opportunity to learn from the speaker, Ms. Lurvin Lee on how to understand children and the way they interact with others, as well as ways to slowly develop their social-emotional learning (SEL) skills from a young age, critical for a child's personal and social well-being.