Session 1 (Psychology)

The speaker (Dr. Darren Yeo, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Nanyang Technological University) was able to give me an insight into the life of a psychologist, as well as the research that goes into the work. I had previously assumed that psychology was all about neuroscience and one's emotions, but the speaker allowed me to gain a better perspective on what it  trulymeans to be a psychologist. 

I learnt that...

Session 2 (Arts Management)

The speaker (Ms. Ye Jun Min, Senior Producer at Arts House Ltd.) shared important pointers on how to work with different artists, both local and foreign, in order to deliver a successful project. Previously, I had always believed that art producers just needed some savoir faire, and they could seamlessly carry out an exhibition or project without much difficulty. However, the challenges the speaker shared, especially pertaining to involvement of the audience, gave me a perspective on how art is not just meant to be appreciated, but also requires audience involvement and interaction. For example, she shared about an invisible trail in Singapore during the Covid-19 pandemic, which to me was extremely interesting and meaningful. 

I have a clearer idea on what it means to be an art producer in Singapore, and how to ensure that the project I choose to plan is a cohesive one that can involve the target audience at all times.

Session 3 (Architecture & Interior Design)

The speaker (Ms. Mak Ai Ling, Principal Designer and founder of Studio Makal) shared on how to design a space or building for a particular client, as well as the challenges she faces as a woman in her field of work. I enjoyed my time seeing the spaces that she had designed for different clients such as the Tautos Namai Concert Hall in Vilnius, Lithuania, where her team seamlessly incorporated elements of the local culture into the building's overall design.

Through her sharing, I learnt that...

Keynote Panel Discussion 

Through both speakers' sharings, (Ms. Isabel Lee, Co-Founder of An Açaí Affair and Sweet Cheeks & Ms. Joelle Chen Simin, Sustainability Director of Lendlease Corporation) I was able to learn more about what it means to work in a corporate environment and start one's own company. As someone who has my own passions of starting my own business in the future doing something I love, I have since realised that with much determination and good corporate sense, it is not that hard for my dreams to become a reality. 

Furthermore, I realised the importance of developing good connections with various people (not just limited to one field) in order to ensure that in various situations, it is easier to find someone who can help me develop my brand or partner to work on my project together with me.

Student Consolidation and Independent Exploration

I explored the various fields I had been interested in and the relevant educaiton pathways for each course and found out that fields of work that I had previously believed would be easy work is not as easy as I had thought. Despite the various passions and interests I have, it is important to balance my expectations and understand more about the job I may choose to have in the future before jumping head-first without any prior knowledge of what each job entails.

I also learnt that despite the many challenges I may potentially face throughout my working life, it is important to be passionate about what I do, rather than feel deigned to go to work. Many of these indstry professionals are able to be successful by slowly developing themselves and their passions, while simultaneously working together with their own mentors and experts. Without their passion, there would be no spark and the work produced would most definitely be sub-par and unable to make the true impact it should have on society, in the work-place and even on one's own sense of fufilment.