Taylie Avila

Sgraffito Plate

At the beginning of this project, I was excited to pick a design and scratch it on the plate. However, at first, this process was not as easy for me because the way I was scratching the plate caused it to keep chipping. Later on in the project, I realized how to prevent the chipping and be more consistent with my carving. When I fixed this, the project began to be way more fun and relaxing for me. The reason I picked this design is because I am a fan of Disney and thought that it would be simplistic but nice. 

Clay Animal

The process of this project was long but I throughoughly enjoyed it. I chose a turtle because I knew that I wanted to give this to my Owah for Christmas. With having that thought of knowing this is going to someone special made me want to make it perfect and work consistently on it. Something that was hard for me at first was getting the overall shape down after having to make everything double the normal size. The more I started to play with the clay, the better I got at it. Once all the carving and shaping was done, the painting process was not any easier. I struggled at first because the paint would dry so fast on the clay, however, after getting the hang of everything it became simpler but still a struggle. Something I found easy was painting the face and making things even on both sides. I overall enjoyed this project and my Owah did as well. 

Foam Carving

When Mr. Langmaack introduced this project, I was excited and thought it was going to be easy but that was not the case for me. I had these really fun ideas picked out at the beginning but they became way harder ideas then fun. I then resorted by idea into doing a fudgsicle because it was going to be easier. Something that I found simple in this project was getting the overall shape of this popsicle but not so much the grooves. Although I struggled with this project I still found enjoyment in it and made the best out of it. 

Personal Logo

This side of my letter, it is significant to me because I love soccer and Disney movies. Throughout this process, I did not find it very hard except for having the recolor match the paint after it dries.  Overall, I enjoyed this project because it has significance and incorporates different family members. 

This side took me a little while to figure out what I could do to represent something significant but once I did I think it turned out nicely. The hardest part for me on this side was actually blending the green into the blue because you have to move fast.  

This side is probably my favorite because "I love you" is written in my mom's handwriting. Although this side is simple, it looks sharp with black and white with the hit of color on the J. 

Wheel Pottery

I looked forward to going on the wheel since the beginning of 3D Art and I found it very interesting, however, it is not as easy as it looks. The wheel is an amazing experience and defiently was an entertaining project. The bowl was easier to make for me then the mug because bringing the clay up and down was hard. Glazing made the difference for me, it made my mugs and bowls look so much better and I became happy with what I made. 

Raku Pot

This was the last project of the year and I would say this was my favorite project. I was most excited for my design but that actually ended up being the hardest part for me. The easiest for me was making the pot out of coils into the shape I drew out. The glazes you can choose from are so pretty which made everything more exciting for me. From the very beginning I knew I was going to make this for my mom for Mother's Day, so the urge to do really well on it definitely mattered to me. The process of taking it out of the outside Kiln was simpler than I expected it to be and it was cool to experience that process. I loved how easy of a design you can make and it will still turn out to look complex because of the glazes you can add. Overall, this project was a very fun process and I would definitely do it again!