2D Art

Self Portrait

In the process of drawing my self portrait, I learned many good things. We started out by doing some shading practices by copying pictures of 3D objects. Then we moved on to draw the eye using the grid technique. I was very happy with the way the eye turned out. To start the portrait, I had to draw a grid of squares that were 1 in by 1 in. Then I drew the lines of my portrait. I began to shade the shirt and the neck. The shirt was a little tricky because it was while and I had to dramatize it a little bit. Then I shaded my face. I had to make sure that I was exact in my shading so it will look like me. Next, I drew my eyes, eye brows, and mouth. The eyes weren't to hard, but I had to spend sometime on the mouth. Lastly, I did the hair. It was a little more tricky than I thought it would be. I had to make sure I had different shades of hair as well as lengths. My overall goal was to make it good and I think I achieved that. All in all, I was very happy with the way it turned out.

Food Painting

The food painting was really fun to paint. We used oil paints and I chose to do a pineapple picture. The goal of this project was to paint it with expression. If you looked closely at the painting, you will noticed that there are random strokes or swooshes, but from afar, it looks like a pineapple. I started the painting with the dark wooden planks. In my photo that I was going off of, they had white wood planks but I changed it dark wood. Then I painted the pineapple slices and chunks. Lastly, I painted the full pineapple. I started with the bottom part and ended with the leaves. It was a fun painting and I'm glad with the way it turned out.

Scratch Art

When I started to scratch on my practice polar bear, I thought that it was very hard and took a lot of thought and concentration. But as I got better and used to it, I realized that it’s not as hard as I thought it would be. I started to notice that I was using strategies like making the dark and lights dramatic and finding ways to blend them. Even though it took a lot of concentration figuring out what shade and direction the hair was going, I found it enjoyable. It was very satisfying finishing it and I’m glad the way it turned out.