2D art

Food Painting

I liked this project a lot, but some parts were very difficult. I originally used lighter colors so the painting would be bright, but then I decided to make it darker. I'm happy with that choice because I think that it came out well. The hardest part for me was creating the different shadows and highlights. My favorite part was the leaves because I didn't have to be too specific/exact.

Car Drawing

I liked this project because it was a new experience for me. I've never really used colored pencils before. And when I did, it looked really bad. I am pretty happy with how this turned out because I expected it to look really bad. It did take me a while though and the windshield was really challenging. My favorite part was definitely the headlights because it turned out good.

Self Portrait 

I liked this project, but it just took a very long time. It was also very hard to do. The hair was my least favorite part because it was very hard to make it look realistic. My favorite part was the clothes because I like making the texture. I think this turned out okay, but I definitely think I could've done better.