Projects in 2D Art

Pencil Self-Portrait

This is a self-portrait drawn with pencils. I enjoyed the process of shading and especially drawing the hair because of the intricacy. I overall like the finished product but the only thing that I would fix would be the splotchiness of the skin. It does look better in person than on picture, though.

Oil Food Painting

I really enjoyed this project because painting is one of my favorite things to do. I had never worked with oil paint before, but I liked working with it and now it is my favorite. I enjoyed making the painting my own and making it look more expressionalist than the reference photo. My favorite part is the pink icecream scoop and its meltiness because I got to freestyle in a way. If I could change something, I would probably add a tad more shadow to the side of the ice cream cone and a few more exaggerated shadows in the white ice cream cone.

Animal Scratch Art

I really enjoyed this project because of the unique process we used to create a realistic looking animal. I enjoyed using the knife to create different textures and adding a lot of small details to add to the realistic look. I also enjoyed experimenting with different ways of holding and using the knife to create different affects. This project definitely taught me patience because it took a very long time of doing repetitive strokes to create the whole cow. It definitely paid off because I love how detailed and dramatic it turned out.

Color Pencil Transportation

I really enjoyed this project because of the different parts of the picture, so I got to use many different colors and techniques to create those different parts. I also liked the orange of the car because it is a fun color and my favorite color. My favorite part of the project were all the chrome parts including the steering wheel, the spedometer, and the radio. My least favorite part was the lines on the dashboard because it was confusing and hard to recreate. I am very happy with how it turned out because it looks a lot like the picture and I would not change anything.

Watercolor Architecture

This is my watercolor painting of a building. I found this project difficult as it was hard to control the paint and create dimension. I enjoyed making the bricks, though, and the texture of the plants.