2D Art

Self Portrait

 What techniques and skills did you learn during this lesson? When I think about the techniques I developed through this art project I feel very accomplished. I learned about the values in shading, the importance of the little changes that can the whole effect of the drawing. What was the goal of the project?  Did you achieve it? The goal of this project was to create a drawing that can let me explore a full range of values, and complete an excellent self-portrait. I feel I have achieved in the way I could only do my best in. If I had more time I possibly could've done better but honestly, I had a lot of time and most of it was filled with uncertainty and anxiety if I was doing it right.

Food Painting

What inspired you?  This piece is inspired by my everlasting love for match lattes. Why is this piece personally meaningful to you? This piece of art is meaningful to me because it was a painting something I loved and it challenged me to get out of my comfort zone. Normally when I paint things I want it to look exact to the image. This project pushed me beyond my limits by stepping out of my comfort zone by not blending the colors, to not make the image look flat, etc

Scratch Art

Scratch Art is something else. Something so chaotic with lines going in different directions to make a beauty of a art piece. When Mr. Langmack first introduced this project to us I was shocked that one person could complete it overnight. Little did I know I would actually finish the assignment early with  pride and happiness of how it turned out. To be honest, I hope people will respond in a helpful critical way that way I can improve. There is always room to make things better and I am sure there is something in this project too. IF you were to ask my table-mates they'd probably tell you about how much I was uncertain in the beginning but got comfortable towards the end.