2D Art

Portrait Drawing

At first, I thought that I was not going to be able to draw myself. I thought that my drawing was going to look nothing  like me. But thankfully, I was actually able to. I was mostly glad that I was able to finish this off looking like me and all my features. I think the easiest part in drawing this was my eyebrows, lips, and parts of my teeth. The most challenging part in this was my hair and eyes. Because my hair is curly I could not figure out how to do it for a little while, but I got it eventually. The only thing I would really change about my drawing is my eyes because I look cross-eyed. 

Food Painting

I like this painting I made, but I just wish I was able to change some things around so they can either look a bit more defined or expressive. My favorite part I painted was the bananas. They looked really very realistic which is why I liked them the best. Everyone´s favorite part about it was the bananas too. I got a lot of compliments along the way. My parents liked my painting a lot and so did some of my friends. The one thing I just feel like I need to learn how to do is just to be faster in painting. Besides that I like most parts of my painting. 

Animal Scratch Art

At the beginning of this project, I didn't think I would enjoy it and I thought that I was going to mess this up but surprisingly I actually liked my overall scratch art. Even though the journey wasn't that super fun, I still enjoyed it and was not annoyed of it like I thought before. I ended up making this art of my dog because why not. I was having a rough time around the side of his face but I was able to figure it out with a little help. I would say that I was really bored with making dots on his tongue because it took a really long time. But my favorite part was his ears because I think I did them really well. Once I showed my friends and family this, they made a lot of compliments about his ears and collar. This was a project I wouldn't mind to do again. 

Watercolor Painting

To be honest, I don't really like this painting. It just seems really messy to me and there's too much detail and shadowing going on. I honestly believe that it was outlining my painting in the beginning that made it look messy and a bit odd. Although I expressed a lot of negativity, I don't hate this painting. I personally still like parts of it enough to hang it up in my room at least, but it's not necessarily something that I would show to other people. 

 Colored Pencil Car

I believe that this is my favorite project in the whole year just because this was the first project where the result was really worth all of that work. Even my friends and family really loved it from how detailed it was. My favorite part in making this was definitely the front part of the car, although the highlights were difficult, I still managed my way through it and finished it to where it looks as reflective as possible. On my own time, I will most probably make more art using colored pencils.