Introduction to Studio Art

Creative Lines

For this drawing, I used a paper with random lines to make a scene. I learned how to be creative and work with what I am given. I also learned how to use colored pencils and fill up the whole paper without leaving any white. The goal of this project was to use the lines given to make a scene and I think I achieved that. I am very happy with the results of this project.

Hand Drawing

For this project, we had to draw our hand using dots. Then, we had to shade each area of the drawing using 4 different types of pencils. You would have to make the shadows darker and some areas lighter. This project was challenging but I enjoyed it. I am very happy with my final product.

Insect Painting

For this project, we had to copy a picture of an insect in pencil. Then, we had to paint the background however we wanted. We then had to move on to any flowers or anything that wasn't the insect. After we finished the flowers we painted the insect and then the border. This painting took me a long time but I am happy with the final product. I really enjoyed painting this and seeing it come alive. This has been my favorite project so far.


For this project we had to make a jar. It could be a nothing jar or a something jar. I decided to make a nothing jar. This project was actually more difficult than I expected. After I made the jar with the clay and it dried we had to put three layers of white glaze and then I chose colors to put on it. I don't really like how my colors turned out. I did the bottom half ombre but there wasn't a darker red so I chose purple but I don't like how it doesn't match. Other than the colors I like the rest of my jar.


For this project we made a whistle. First, we made the whsitle by making a hollow ball and making a sharp edge that is by the part that you blow in. Then, we chose what we wanted to turn it into and I decided to make a whale. We let it dry and painted it with glazes. I enjoyed this project because I liked making a whistle and I like my final product.

Clay Bowl

For this project we made a clay bowl out of coils. I really enjoyed making my bowl and I like the way it turned out. The one thing I would've changed was to add another layer of glaze and maybe make the top coil straight instead of curvy. The things I like about my bowl are the design, the color, and the cleanness of it. Overall I really like my bowl and it was one of my favorite projects.

Watercolor Painting

For this project, we drew an underwater animal. Then, we traced it in pen and added some texture with the pen to make some spots look darker. After that we did the background by putting water on the canvas and then adding the color. I chose to do blue and orange because they are complimentary colors. Then, I started painting the fish. I added layers to make certain places look darker and used different shades of orange. I really enjoyed this project and I hope I can get better at watercolor in the future.


For this project, we carved out a rubber slab to make it look like the picture of the bird we chose. Then we printed it and fixed anything we didn't like. Once we liked how it looked we started printing a lot of different prints. I printed a normal print, a print with the same color ink and different paper, a double print, a rainbow print, and a print on a piece of newspaper. My favorite print is the double print because I like the colors and how it looks. This project was one of my favorites and I liked how we could use it in different ways.

Foam Box

For this project, we created a foam box. This box had a lot more steps in it than I would have expected. I like how my turned out because it looks clean and I like the copper with the paper I chose. If I could change one thing, I would use less glue on certain spots so the paper wouldn't wrinkle. Overall I like the finished product.