3D Art

Textured Bowl

For this project, we made a bowl out of clay. It was a fairly easy way to start 3D art and get us comfortable with using clay. To start, we messed around with textures and got a feel for the ones we liked. Then we used a slab roller to roll our clay out nice and evenly flat. From there we took a stencil and  traced out the shape of the bowl. Then we put our texture on the clay before putting it all together. To put it together we had to score the sides and put slip in between them to get it to stick and form a bowl. Honestly, this project was a really nice way to start the year. I wasn't so sure about the glaze color I picked, but after it got fired, I was very happy with it.

Sgraffito Plate

For this project we got to make a clay plate. It was really fun, really easy, and I actually really like how it turned out. We started out by using the slab roller to roll out our base for the plate. After that we took a plastic plate and formed the clay to it. Then we let it sit out and dry to get the right form. After that we painted it and were able to stencil in our pattern. Then we got to start the fun work. We got to use an exact o knife and scratch out the paint to give the white shinning through. In all, I really liked this project and am excited to use it!

Personal Logo

For this project, we started out designing our logo on a piece of paper, once we came up with a design we liked, we started the project. I wanted my logo to have some sort of initial in it, but I also wanted it to show my bright, happy side; and with this design, I think I accomplished that. Then we constructed it out of a card board material, after that, we put tap on it to make sure it would stay together. Then paper mached it so that we could paint it. The whole process leading up to the painting took a long time because the smile was so thin, but it was worth the time. Then painting it was probably my favorite part. I was able to put whatever I wanted on it and in the end I like how it turned out.


For this project we worked on the wheel. It was my first time ever, and I enjoyed it a ton. We started by taking the the clay and putting it on a dry wheel. Then we got it wet and tried to center it. This was the most challenging part at first, but after some time, it became a lot easier. I found out that if you put a lot of pressure on the outside hand and some on the top of the clay, then it is easier to center it. From there, I put a whole in it and shaped it. It was really fun to see what I could make. After I finished on the wheel, they went in the keln and got fired. Then I got to trim it and make it look nice. After that I glazed it. I am excited to use this project and had a lot of fun with it throughout the whole process.

Clay Animal Project

This project took a little while to complete, but it was fun. We started out by tracing our animals on a piece of paper to the size we would want it to be, then from there we took the clay and made the animal to scale. From there, we cut the animal in half and hallowed out the inside, making the animal lighter. Then scored it and put it back together. This is where the fine details came into play. I started defining the beak and comb and eyes. Then added the texture. From there we put it in the kiln and then painted it after that. It was a fun project and I enjoyed it.

Sign Foam

This project went really fast which was a lot different than our last. It was really fun to be able to make progress so fast! We started out with a block of foam and then cut it down to the right length and width. Then we worked on the finer details with a rifler. After I got all the details done, then I could paint it. This was probably my favorite part. I love to paint and be able to try to get all the finer details. I also love the contrast you can add to something through paint. Getting the right color for the base part was a little difficult but I got it eventually. In all, I really like how this project turned out and enjoyed the whole process.

Coil Vase

For this project, we took clay coils and layer by layer put them together to make the shape of the vase I wanted. It took quite a while and a lot of blending, after that we put our designs on them. I chose a very intricate design that took a lot of time. I was really please with how the design turned out. From there, we put it in the kiln and then were able to glaze it after that. It took a long time to glaze because we had to do 3 coats of the glaze and had to be very careful to not get it in the cracks. This was probably the most tedious part of the whole project. The vase came out a way different color than I was expecting.  A lot shinier than I predicted. I loved making this project, but in the end am not the happiest with my results. I think that if I would have chose a different color I would have been happier.


This project was a  fun care free one. It was a good way to end the year with barely any restrictions on it. At first I was trying to go for a symmetrical round shape, but quickly found out that the bamboo sticks are going to go whatever way they wanted. I kinda liked the slanted look so I just kept going with it and adding to the whole thing. After I had constructed the whole thing out of bamboo I put the tissue paper on. I glued the outside edge of the tissue paper on and then cut the edges so that it would look clean. After I finished that whole process, I put startch on the outside to make the tissue paper stronger. Overall, I am happy with how this project turned out. I didn't really have very many expectations going into it and that made it a fun process up to the end.