2D Art

Self Portrait

Our first art project this year was our self portrait. If I am being completely honest, this was the one that I was the most excited for. We had done a hand drawing with pencils very similar to this and it went very well for me. But something about this project just didn't go how I would have like it to go. I did enjoy most of it, but towards the end, I was getting to the point of if I touched it more I just thought I would mess it up. So I ended up turning it in. I really like working with pencils, so this project was still really fun, it just didn't turn out quite how I anticipated it would. I used 2H, HB, 3B, and 6B, pencils to create this drawing. I would say the hardest part was probably the hair and eyes. It took me a while to figure out how to make the strokes in my hair to look realistic. In all, I liked doing this project, but just wish something was a little different.

Oil Painting

This was my oil painting finished. Overall, I had a very fun time with it. I was able to use oil paints and mix them to get the right colors. At first, I kind of struggled with getting a bright red. We ended up going with a darker red look, and I really like it. I also layered my paint so that I could get highlights to show up and darks. In the beginning I was really nervous that I wasn't going to be able to get any of my seeds to look like individual seeds. As time went on, I was able to develop individual seeds. In all, I had a lot of fun with this project. I was able to paint more freely and not worry about making it look exact. I am very happy with how it turned out.

Scratch Art

I chose to do a highland cow for my scratch art project. I started with a practice piece of paper and was able to feel for how the exacto knife works on the paper. I then did my actually piece of art. I traced the cow onto the paper with pencil then proceeded from there to get the lights and darks. Honestly I didn't really love this project, just because I knew that if I messed up I couldn't go back and fix it or erase it. It kind of stressed me out. Towards the end, I was able to enjoy it a little more. I was getting a little better at going with the flow and not being so timid with it. In the end, I did really like the overall result. Thanks to Mr. Langmaack, my mouth turned out, and everything came together to form this highland cow.

WaterColor Architecture 

This is my watercolor painting that I did. We were supposed to do some piece of architecture and initially, I was going to do my house, but then decided to do a windmill. I am very happy, that I ended up doing a windmill. To do this project, I traced the windmill down. After that I inked up the paper and then it was ready to start. I started with the sky then moved on to the rest. Overall, this project was really fun. I enjoyed it a lot. It was almost easy. That is probably because of the picture I choose, but I am very happy with how it turned out.

Colored Pencil Drawing

For this project, I started by getting a picture of the vehicle I was going to do and then I traced it onto the paper. This was the most boring part of the whole project for me. After I was done tracing, then I got to start colored penciling. I used a lot of black, white and blue in this project. Occasionally, I threw in some brown and yellow too. I started with the back tire then moved to the grill. This had the most detail and took me the longest, but I would also say it was the most fun part. I had fun trying to make the chrome look shiny and putting in all the darks and lights. Overall, I love how this project turned out and I had a lot of fun with it along the way.