2D Art

Self Portrait 

I really enjoyed doing this project. I liked adding the value and sketching it out. It was really fun and cool to see all the progress throughout the weeks. I really like how this project came out and I like how it looks. My favorite part out of all of it was doing my eyes, it's also cool because I kinda get to see what I'll look like without my braces. Overall, I loved doing this project and I loved how this turned out.

Food Painting

This project we used oil oaints to paint our food of choice. I chose this picture of a cake. If I could redo this project I would do a lot different. I did not really lik how this turned out. This project was very frustrating for me and I did not like the result. While painting was fun I don't think it is for me, but I would've chosen another photo for this project.

Scratch Art

I really liked this project. My favorite part of this project was seeing it all come together because when you're just making little lines it's hard to have faith that it will turn out good but the more you scratch the more the picture came together. I did a pciture of my dog Sophie and I thought it turned out good. It was more of a project you have to be patient with and I don't have patience. I overall liked this the only part I didn't like was the sound it made.


I liked this watercolor project better than the one last year. I think the architecture category was more fun for me and I also think it turned out better than my last watercolor. I didn't love how the window turned out and that was probably the most difficult part, which is why I waited till the end to do it. My favorite part about the painting and which part I think looked better is the plants and flowers. Overall, I liked doing this project and I think it turned out good.

Vehicle Colored Pencil  

I really liked this projet, I liked getting to see all the different exmaples of transportation. I really liked doing the chrome and flowers. I did have a lot of trouble with glass and the shadow. My least favorite part was probably the glass and shadow just because I didn't exicute it as cleanly as I wanted to. But overall I loved doing this and I think it turned out okay!