Introduction to Studio Art

When starting this drawing I had no vision. I used color pencils to get the dark color that the drawing is. For the boat I was inspired by the Titanic and I tried to replicate its colors. The goal was to create a neat seascape and I believe that I did so.I really like the sea monster in the middle that is by far my favorite thing about my drawing. The thing I like least is the red fish in the top corner.

Hand Drawing

For my hand drawing I decided to hold a knife. I picked this item because I typically carry one everyday and it is a useful tool for all kinds of situations. This was a very fun project to due because I was able to learn how to scale my drawing to the picture I had for reference. 

Bug Project 

For my bug project I chose to paint a praying mantis. This is one of my favorite insects. It is sitting on a leaf. I painted the border blue.

Clay Pot

For my clay jar I made a nothing jar. I originally made a rhino as my jar but the head exploded when it was fired. For the outside of the jar I made lines going up and down the entire side. I put small squares on top for grip. I used a light blue paint for the lid and a dark blue for the actual jar. 

Clay Bowl  

For my clay bowl I tried to design it off of a spiders web. I painted it a purple because I didn't want it to be a spiders web just have the design of one.  I enjoyed making this bowl more than I did the jar. It was fun using the coils to create the bowl. 

Clay Whistle 

For my clay whistle I made one of the angry birds. I created an angry bird because 2 other people made characters from angry birds. To create this brid I made the base whistle and then created a beak and attached it. After that I put the eyes and feathers on. I then painted it and it was completed. 

Water Color 

For my water color picture I chose to do a whale. I painted it different shades of blue in a monochromatic color scheme.  It was a very fun project that allowed me to learn a new painting form. 

Bird Stamp 

This stamp is of a Harpy Eagle. I chose to make this the bird because I saw a YouTube video of one and thought it was a really cool animal. I like carving out the bird on the stamp and enjoyed pressing it on paper. This is the project I am most proud of so far this year and really like what I did with it.