Adv Art

Lots of Cuts Stained Glass (4)

I started this project off pretty well, i was having fun then i slowly got uninterested in my stained glass. I had made a little box for practice which was okay then when i got into my actual project which was supposed to be a blue footed booby bird, all my pieces i cut out didn't fit at all together. Instead of restarting and wasting glass, with some help from my classmates i decided to cut squares out of the pieces i did use and i had this little coaster. from my experience i have decided and found out that stained glass is NOT for me at all. 

Lots of Dots (7)

I really really enjoyed this project a lot! I finished it pretty early even though I had a whole semester to do it. I did a picture of my boyfriend because it is the only person i could think of to do that i would actually enjoy doing. for me this project took maybe a month and a half longest i think. surprisingly i never really got bored of this project, yes a few times i got a little bored because the hair if like only black and grey and some purple. So when i got to the hair part todo i got a little bored and needed a few breaks because its repetitive. so was the skin. i first did the eyes and brows, once those were done then i did the lips then the ear. after that everything else is a little boring because its all the same colors and etc. not much crazy detail goes into the shirt and etc. but overall i would love todo a project like this again!

Oil Food Painting (7) 

After i was done with my lots of dots project i spent a few weeks not doing anything, so i decided to find something random to paint to work on my painting skills with realism. i chose this picture of a restaurant at Disneyland of mickey mouse waffles. I´m super proud of myself! this painting took about a month maybe to finish and i really enjoyed painting it. i think the part i am most proud of doing is the coffee. i thought i would fail horrible with the coffee and the reflections but i outdid myself! i cant wait to taker this painting home and hang it up right away! one of my best work.

Take Two Redo

for this last project of my senior year i decided to oil paint my house because after i graduate i'm moving out to Hawaii and thought it would be a cool idea to have my house i grew up in as a painting in my new apartment. This painting i'm really proud of! i'm super happy with how the shadows came out on the house, and i love the bricks. this painting took about 5/6 weeks to finish and im reall happy with the outcome! throughout the years of painting i really can see my improvement. i probably could've done a little better on the darker tree but overall im happy with it. 

Acrylic Lahiana Painting

I decided to take this painting from home that I've have been constantly procrastinating on to school so i actually finished the painting. I'm super happy with how it came out and now since there is literally a week left of school i dont know if i should do another small simple painting or not. Im so happy i finally finished this painting because at home it was taking me wayyyyy to long. in all at school it took me maybe 3-5 weeks to finish this painting and at home ive been working on this painting for months. I love how it came out. i painted it in memory of Lahiana in Maui. One day i can see myself painting paintings for condos in Maui, thats a big dream of mine. Honestly i think this one could go into a condo already!