2D Art

Self Portrait Drawing

This art project was definitely the most challenging project so far. It was hard because if you get something wrong, then it won't look like you and it's an obvious mistake. I did have some fun with it though. Doing the hair was fun and I enjoyed doing the eyes and eyebrows. The nose was challenging.  Overall this project was challenging but in a good way.

Food Painting

I enjoyed this project a lot. It was definitely one of my favorite ones. I chose an orange because I just love oranges. One hard part was just being confident with putting the color on but once I was I really enjoyed the process. We used oil paint and I liked it better than acrylic paint because it's easier to blend things. My goal was to paint something that looked like an orange but not a realistic one. I feel like I accomplished it. I'm happy with my finished project

Animal Scratch Art

I chose a bear because I think that bears are very cool. This bear was difficult to do because it had a lot of fur and it was a large picture. It was hard to stay motivated because it took a very long time. I had to turn it in late. I do like how it turned out and I'm happy it's done.

Watercolor Architecture

For this project I chose to watercolor my house because I like how it looks and it is special to me because I have always lived here. I like how the tiles turned out. I don't like how the grass looks. I enjoyed doing this project and I learned that I like watercolor.

Colored Pencil Transportation

For this project I chose my 2010 Jeep Wrangler. I chose this because it is my first car and it is special to me. This took me the longest out of any project so far and I had to work on it at home a lot which was very difficult because of all the distractions at home. I like how most of it turned out but a lot of it looks rushed. I learned that I like using colored pencils.