Green Team meets before school every Friday from 8:00 to 8:30. Meetings are held in room B120. At each meeting, we discuss current events regarding climate change and our various initiatives. We also periodically invite guest speakers to gain knowledge on the issues.

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Energize Wayland is a town-wide community with a goal to get 50% of Wayland households to take action on climate change and sustainability from electrifying transportation and electricity to sustainable waste disposal and green investing. High school juniors Gina, Kaylee, and Amie have been working with Energize Wayland for over 6 months!

Join Statewide or Nationwide Movements

MAYCJ (Massachusetts Youth for Climate Justice)

MAYCJ is a statewide coalition of 50+ youths (age 20 & under) that focuses on mutual aid and environmental justice. This group mobilizes through direct actions, mutual aid networks, and educational trainings. Recently, MAYCJ has worked with Divest Harvard, Operation Tokala, MAMAS, and more.

Sunrise Movement

The Sunrise Movement is a nationwide movement of youths (age 30 & under) that rises against various social injustices. Some recent campaigns were: Good Jobs For All, Generation on Fire, and Reclaim Summer. Sunrise is split up into multiple hubs, the biggest in the area being the Boston Hub (500+) as well as local hubs in Natick and Arlington.

*Both of these groups have multiple teams that fit any skillset. Some popular teams are the Actions, Logistics, Outreach, Media, Creative, and Fundraising teams.